June TBR 2018

33545813_173612353303549_1710751345910218752_nI should probably start this by saying I am a mood reader 100%. If I am not in the mood to read a certain book, I will continue to put it on hold. With that in mind, I do come up with a few books I think I would like to read that month. But I don’t hold myself accountable to actually read any of them. I envy those who stick to their TBR, maybe I could make a dent in mine if I actually tried.

Clockwork Princess –  Currently listening to this for the first time, although I’ve read it like 10 times already. But I am trying to give audiobooks more of a chance these days.

City of Lost Souls – Doing a year long reread of the Shadowhunter books. I am pretty sure I am a bit behind on schedule. Oops!

LifeL1k3 –  Finished this and should have the review up within the next few days.

My Lady Jane –  I hear nothing but AMAZING things about this and since the second one comes out, I really want to get into it.

Sky in the Deep – I read this a few months back and I loved it. Easily my favorite book of 2018. And I already want to reread it. That’s not crazy right?

Legendary –  Numerous people have told me it’s ten times better than Caraval, which is something I should probably read before starting Legendary. I don’t really remember that much about it.

Because You Love to Hate Me – I have been wanting to read this for awhile now. I love short stories and villains. So this easily will be read.

King’s Cage –  The only book on this TBR that am not looking forward too. Glass Sword left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I don’t want to continue with this. But I want to know how this entire series ends. So I want to read the last two just to satisfy my curiosity.

And there is my June TBR. But I mean we will see if I even read 3 of these books on here. I can already hear my Kindle Unlimited subscription calling my name to read more adult contemporary. Do you have any of these books on your June TBR?

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